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Showing posts from March, 2016

Time Moves Slowly, but Passes Quickly (Alice Walker)

My youngest son turned 21 in January. Such a milestone! I shared an adorable baby picture of him on Facebook wishing a “Happy 21st birthday to this little man.” In addition to all of the usual responses, “Happy birthday!.... where does the time go?...” I got a beautiful message in my inbox from an old college friend. It was a copy his wife singing her own rendition of  “Stop Time” from the musical Big . She sang with such heartfelt passion I got chills. Ironically, as her lovely voice sang, “Birthdays fly - 7,8,9,10” all I could think was I don’t miss that. At all.  With each birthday party, I was just happy to be closer to the next. “Then he’s two, such a little man, so alive and so smart..”   and such a pain.... Was I a bad mom?   I recall the terrible twos, fours, eights, twelves, fifteen through eighteens… each phase getting scarier than the next. I may have wanted time to go backwards, but never stop. At that point I just wanted a fast forward button! Someti...