Ages and Stages By Jonna Shutowick. M.S. Ed. School-aged years are far more challenging for some than we give them credit for. Sure, we all know the middle school years are awkward. What parent hasn’t had to tell their child at some point that “none of this will matter soon, you’ll see”? The early bloomers learn this lesson in late elementary school, most learn it by the 9th grade, but there are some still within the “normal range” who do not understand the truth of this until they are nearly 20. That is a huge 10 years! And, of course, this is the reason for social groupings and cliques and anti-bullying campaigns, and the like. The years between ages 10 and 20 see major shifts in emotional growth and, to compound matters, major physical shifts as well. Not everyone matures at the same rate. Nor do our physical, mental, emotional (and, by proxy, moral) abilities mature necessarily in concert with each other. In fact, a challenge in one area often impedes on the others,...
On the Bright Side is a monthly column by Jonna Shutowick in Southeast Florida's only good news newspaper. Her Rosey Shades are her attitude accessory. What color are the clouds in your world?
See page 18 of Parkland Lifestyle. Parkland Icon Jonna Shutowick!